Supportive Services
RuralEdge is more than just a landlord. We provide supportive services to keep our residents housed and engaged with their communities, increasing their quality of life and empowering them to be leaders in their communities. Here are the three programs we utilize to accomplish these goals.

Support and Services at Home (SASH)
The Support and Services at Home Program is offered throughout the State of Vermont, and it is designed to provide personalized coordinated care, through nursing services, programming, and service coordination, to help participants stay safe and live independently in their homes as long as possible, regardless of age or residential setting.
SASH uses Medicare funds in a targeted way, knowing that it is more expensive to move someone to higher care than to have them live in their own homes. By funding a service like SASH to offer assistance to people living at home, it saves the state money, and increases the quality of life for individuals who would rather stay in their homes.

Community Building & Engagement (CBE)
RuralEdge is an active participant in the NeighborWorks Community Building & Engagement Program. Throughout our portfolio, we offer community opportunities and events focused on three main goals: developing resident leaders, strengthening resident-driven groups, and facilitating community events.

Eviction Prevention
At RuralEdge, we do not want to see any households evicted from our properties. However, we also know that issues occur, that people come from all walks of life, and that some might need extra support to give them what they need to be housed stably. In July 2022, we received funding from the State of Vermont Department of Housing & Community Development to offer an Eviction Prevention program for our residents, providing staff support and service coordination to ensure that all residents remain in our housing as long as they would like.