Our Mission & Vision
RuralEdge strengthens Northeast Kingdom communities one home at a time. RuralEdge envisions Northeast Kingdom communities where every individual can live in stable, affordable housing with access to the services they need to live a healthy and prosperous life.
What We Provide

Quality Housing
RuralEdge prides itself on providing nearly 700 residential rental units, as well as some commercial units across the Northeast Kingdom, including: developments for senior populations, developments with both market-rate units and units based on income. In addition, RuralEdge is always in the process of identifying and completing new rental properties to add to our portfolio. No matter the financial circumstances of our residents, we aim to provide quality, safe, and affordable housing for all.

Education & Empowerment
As a Neighborworks Organization, RuralEdge operates a Homeownership Center to assist individuals in everything from purchasing a home, financial counseling, home repair and more. We also assist private landlords in bringing vacant units back on-line to ensure the maximum amount of rental units are available to the market.

Strengthened Community Bonds
The business of affordable housing is about more than just buildings. At RuralEdge, we know that we are housing people! We house people that come from a diversity of backgrounds, with different skills and something to offer the communities they live in. We provide service coordination and preventive nursing services through our Support & Services at Home (SASH) program, support to residents facing housing instability through our Eviction Prevention Program, and work to establish all residents as part of their community through our Community Building & Engagement Program. We also advocate for the needs of affordable housing and those experiencing homelessness through participation and membership in the Housing & Homelessness Alliance of Vermont (HHAV).
Help us Accomplish our Mission and Achieve our Vision!
Can you envision Northeast Kingdom communities where every individual can live in stable, affordable housing with access to the services they need to live a healthy and prosperous life? Can you help us strengthen Northeast Kingdom Communities, one home at a time? Your contribution of time, talent, or treasure will go a long way to continuing this life-changing work in Northeast Kingdom communities!