RuralEdge Receives Grant for Continued Upgrades to Pierce Block

RuralEdge has received a $45,000 Preservation Grant from the Freeman Foundation and the Preservation Trust of Vermont to continue repairs and upgrades to the Pierce Block in the heart of Barton.
Residents of the town have already seen a lot of activity around the building this summer with its recent exterior painting. RuralEdge has also partnered with the Old Stonehouse Museum, which has decorated the front window and will be completing another display for the holidays. This grant allows the work to continue inside with the repairing of twenty interior posts and the building of accessible bathrooms.
“The impact of the Pierce Block, as an historic anchor building at the heart of Barton’s downtown, cannot be overstated,” said Patrick Shattuck, Executive Director of RuralEdge. “Historic postcards that depict Barton over the last century inevitably feature the Pierce Block. RuralEdge understands our obligation as the steward of this important resource.” Shattuck also noted that RuralEdge intends to open a satellite office in the Pierce Block in 2021 upon completion of this work.
“The ongoing support we have received from the Preservation Trust of Vermont and this award from the Freeman Family Foundation are vital to our efforts in Barton,” said Shattuck. “We are so grateful for this and for all of the previous awards from the Preservation Trust of Vermont and the Freeman Family for our RuralEdge historic preservation projects.”
Work is expected to begin soon and should be completed over the winter months.