RuralEdge sees the SASH Program as integral to its mission and has been seeking ways to expand its geographical reach, especially to rural Essex County. Thanks to the generosity of the Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, RuralEdge received funding to bring SASH to Canaan for the next two years.
With many COVID-19 restrictions no longer in place, RuralEdge looks forward to engaging our housing communities once again with a variety of exciting events!
Nearly one year into the substantial rehabilitation work on the former Depot Square Apartments, now known as New Avenue, the project has brought substantial changes to the building and to the community it will once again serve.
Lyndonville Celebrates the Opening of 20 New Apartments
From his RuralEdge apartment on Hastings Hill, Maurice Allen, of Saint Johnsbury, has seen the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to give back to his local community in any way he can.